Message from the Chair
Greetings and welcome to the latest iteration of The E.D. Dispatch. The last few months have been filled with transitions. As is typical for this time of year in an academic department, we bid farewell to a group of truly talented emergency medicine physicians and welcomed a new class of interns. Based on first impressions, this class will exceed expectations. Graduating one class and beginning the educational process of another always leads to reflection. Thinking back on my own first days at UMMC (July 1999) instills a sense of pride in this department. It amazes me how much we have grown and how much we have accomplished in the realms of health care, education, and research. With respect to growth, our faculty ranks alone have more than quadrupled since 1999. Please enjoy the throwback photo we’re including from then. Moreover, please enjoy the highlights of accomplishments included in this edition of the newsletter. The current members of our department and our alumni are truly having an impact.Sincerely,